Community Leagues

- Jackson Heights ・ Kiniski Gardens

The Burnewood community comprises the neighbourhoods of Kiniski Gardens and Jackson Heights in the northeast portion of Mill Woods bounded by 50 Street to the west, 34 Street to the east, Whitemud Drive to the north, and Mill Creek to the south.
When it was founded, in December 1981, the Burnewood Community League was fairly isolated from the City of Edmonton with no adjacent league to rely upon. The early objectives of the community were the establishment of postal and bus services to connect it with the rest of Edmonton.
The community continues to grow and mature while offering a number of social and recreational programs for both children and adults.  They also provide advice to seniors on programs or services and offer a community sponsorship program. Visit their website for complete details.
Community hall is located at 4118 – 41 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T6L 5Y6

Knottwood - Ekota ・ Menisa ・ Satoo
The Knottwood community comprises the neighbourhoods of Ekota, Menisa and Satoo in the southwest portion of Mill Woods bounded by 91 Street to the west, 66 Street to the east, 23 Avenue to the north, and Anthony Henday Drive to the south.
In 1970, the Government of Alberta put together the Mill Woods land bank. The idea was to create a large urban extension in Edmonton that would help combat the increasing costs of residential land in the city. The City of Edmonton worked quickly, and by 1971, it had created the Millwoods Development Concept plan. Residential development began in Ekota soon after, while work started in Satoo and Menisa in 1974 and 1976 respectively.  The Knottwood Community League was formed on Mar. 14, 1977, at a meeting in Satoo Elementary School, where the residents resolved to provide programs and facilities for the three neighbourhoods.
For the past 40 years, these three neighbourhoods have formed a partnership that continues to provide Knottwoodians with a strong sense of pride and community spirit.  Knottwood Community League continues to bring together this great community.
Community hall is located at  445 Knottwood Road West, NW Edmonton, AB T6K 3N1.  


Lakewood - Kameyosek ・ Meyohnohk ・Tipaskin
The Lakewood community comprises the neighbourhoods of Kameyosek, Meyohnohk and Tipaskin. in the west portion of Mill Woods bounded by 91 Street to the west, 66 Street to the east, 34 Avenue to the north, and 23 Avenue to the south, excluding Mill Woods Park south of 28 Avenue and east of Mill Woods Road.
On January 24th, 1978, a group of 75 citizens formed the Lakewood Community League.  The new community league was guided by the neighbouring Knottwood Community League.  A long-term partnership and model of cooperation was thus formed and in time it was translated into the present day Mil Woods Presidents' Council.   On January 26, 1982, it opened its first hall, which included the Mill Woods Child Development Center.

From its start Lakewood was an active member of the community of Mill woods. It contributed to the creation of the Mill Woods Cultural and Recreational Facility Association (MCARFA). It also worked diligently to establish its own infrastructure.
Community Hall is located at 5811 – 19 A Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T6L 4J8.   Contact Hall Rentals Coordinator @ 780-240-0129.   

Leefield - Richfield ・ Leeridge
Established in October 1973, Leefield was the first Community League to be developed in the Mill Woods area. Its original name was the Mill Woods Community League, which was confusing given the larger area of Mill Woods. On the advice of the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues, it changed its name to Leefield, derived from its two neighbourhoods – Leeridge and Richfield.

​Leefield was one of the founding members of the Mill Woods Cultural and Recreational Facility Association (MCARFA) and contributed generously to its many capital projects around Mill Woods. It continues to contribute to the community at large while working to build its infrastructure. Its attractive community hall was completed in 1982 and has been used extensively for its own functions as well as those of other groups.
Community Hall is located at 7910 36 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6K 1H7.  Call 780-463-2456 to book a viewing.    

Millhurst - Meyokumin ・ Sakaw
The Millhurst community comprises the neighbourhoods of Meyokumin and Sakaw in the south portion of Mill Woods bounded by 66 Street to the west, 50 Street to the east, 23 Avenue to the north and Anthony Henday Drive to the south.
The Millhurst Community League was formed in the fall of 1978 with only 150 homes. This number was expected to triple within two years and the residents realized that they needed to prepare for the traditional operations of a community league. It was incorporated on May 11th, 1979 and became the area’s fifth league.  From the start, residents established the creation of playgrounds and recreation facilities as their first priority and these were established through volunteer efforts, fund raising and City of Edmonton grants. Millhurst Community League was also actively involved in the creation of the Mill Woods Cultural and Recreational Facility Association (MCARFA) and in fundraising on its behalf.

Millhurst Community League currently has an active board organizing community programs, family events, community garden, basketball courts, ice rinks and maintaining a small hall. Check out their website for complete details. Community Hall is located at 5811 – 19 A Avenue, Edmonton, AB, T6L 4J8.     

North Millbourne - Michaels Park ・ Tweedle Place
The North Millbourne community comprises of the neighbourhoods Michael's Park and Tweedle Place in the northwest portion of Mill Woods bounded by 91 Street to the west, 66 Street to the east, Whitemud Drive to the north, and 38 Avenue to the south.
North Millbourne Community League was founded on May 26, 1975. In its early days, it took much guidance from its neighbour – Leefield Community League but in short order it begun to establish itself, contributing to the growing community of Mill Woods with a credible and sustained infrastructure of playgrounds, ice rinks and the like.  By 1980 it had also established the first stage of its community hall, which opened in August of that year.
North Millbourne currently strives to enhance the quality of life for all residents by promoting recreational, leisure and social opportunities and to be responsive to Community needs and concerns. They currently maintain two rinks, facilitates many programs and community events while having a modern community center available to rent.  Check out their website for complete details.
Community hall is located at 980 Millbourne Rd E Northwest, Edmonton, AB T6K 2K2. 
Contact: or 780-914-3390 

Ridgewood - Bisset ・ Minchua ・Weinlos
The Ridgewood community comprises the neighbourhoods of Bisset, Minchau and Weinlos   in the east portion of Mill Woods bounded by 50 Street to the west, 34 Street to the east, Mill Creek to the north, and 23 Avenue to the south.
The Ridgewood Community League was born at a meeting held on June 2nd, 1982. Half of the 95 residents in attendance agreed to volunteer in some capacity and so begun the League. Among its first priorities was the creation of recreational infrastructure of playgrounds and various children’s programs and within a few short years, Ridgewood established playgrounds in each of its neighbourhoods,
Community Hall is located at  3705 Mill Woods Rd E Northwest Edmonton, AB T6L 5X2.  Contact Susie (780) 450-6338 for details.

Southwood - Crawford Plains ・ Daly Grove ・ Pollard Meadows
The Southwood community comprises the neighbourhoods of Crawford Plains, Daly Grove and Pollard Meadows in the southeast portion of Mill Woods bounded by 50 Street to the west, 34 Street to the east, 23 Avenue to the north, and Anthony Henday Drive to the south.
The Southwood Community League took shape during a March 18, 1980 meeting that was attended by 49 residents of the area.  They knew that the rapid growth of their area and increased population needed quick planning and five committees were formed: social, fund-raising, membership, sports, and membership. A delegate was also appointed to the Millwoods Cultural and Recreational facility Association (MCARFA), which was organized to assist all residents of Mill Woods with their community’s capital projects.
Community hall is located at 1880 37 St NW, Edmonton, AB T6L 2R2.  Contact the office at (780) 461-8133.   

The Meadows - Larkspur ・ Wild Rose  ・ Silverberry  ・ Laurel
The Meadows Community League was established in 1987 and is currently the youngest League within the Mill Woods Presidents’ Council. Established in 1987,  The Meadows is located in the south east portion of Edmonton. The area is bounded by 34 Street to the west, 17 Street to the east, Whitemud Drive to the north and 23 Avenue south.
The community has approximately 22,000 residents, which makes it one of the largest community leagues in the City of Edmonton. The league is very active and chooses to bring many different activities and programs to its members such as movie nights, ski nights, community cleanup, etc.

Woodvale - Hillview ・ Greenview
The Woodvale community comprises the neighbourhoods of Hillview and Greenview in the north portion of Mill Woods bounded by 66 Street to the west, 50 Street to the east, Mill Woods Golf Course to the north, and 34 Avenue to the south.
From meager beginnings, the Woodvale Community League has grown to become a large, sophisticated organization dedicated to providing services to the community.  The crowning achievement to date is the construction of the $1.2 million Woodvale Community Centre on the Millwoods Golf Course. This facility is a community hall with extensive banquet facilities and a restaurant/lounge that serves as the clubhouse for the golf course. The mortgage on this facility was retired in 1994. The operation of this facility has provided an ongoing source of revenue to the league.
The Woodvale Community League has been active in the Woodvale Beautification Project, planting trees and developing walkways in the communities along with developing many playgrounds and activity centres in the community.
The Woodvale offices are at 4540-50 Street NW, Edmonton AB T6L 6B6 on the Mill Woods Golf Course. 
Woodvale Facility accommodates 20 – 400 people and is suitable for a variety of special occasions. Complete details on the  Woodvale Facility Web Site or contact the facility manager Margaret Tokaryk at 780- 462-2101.

Ellerslie - Ellerslie Crossing ・Charlesworth ・Wernerville ・Hills of Charlesworth

The Ellerslie community comprises the neighbourhoods of Ellerslie Crossing, Charlesworth, Wernervilleand the Hills at Charlesworth in the southeast area of Edmonton bounded by 91 Street to the west, 34 street to the east,  Anthony Henday  to the north and Ellerslie Road to the south.
Ellerslie was originally a rural community south of Edmonton with a local school district developed by 1895, and a local post office in 1896.  the area is still home to large rural-style lots that existed before the rest of the area was developed.   Ellerslie Community League was established in 2010.
Ellerslie is largely populated by young families with schools, parks and playgrounds making it an appealing place for children to grow up.  The area of Charlesworth offers an abundance of natural beauty with storm ponds and wooded area found throughout the community with walking trails.